My Story
Strap in, this is a bit lengthy.
I first bought a Scentsy warmer and waxes only to support a friend who was hosting a party. I was super skeptical, thinking it was gonna be overpriced nonsense like tons of that “third party” stuff is. Sugar cookie and black raspberry vanilla were the first flavors I chose. Tried out sugar cookie first because it had to be the best, right? I liked it but it wasn’t long lasting enough for me...so in went BRV. And that. Was. It. For me. Hook, line and sinker. I started buying all the Scentsy things. And I didn’t even have to blow it out...my house smelled amazing even when it was a disaster!!
Come October 22nd (payday) 2014, and my husband began the talk. Granted, after a successful party I had hosted, but that I should just “sign up already”. At least to earn some percentage back off what I was spending. Right? Okay, okayyyy. October 24th, I took the plunge and did it. Boom, 70 day incentives, and promoted to lead within a year (a feat I was quite proud of at the time). Won registration to SFR and decided to check this convention thing out. Holy. Crap. Is an understatement. I couldn’t believe the stories, and how real these people were. I knew I’d be a lifer.
Then we went to some street show/event type thing. Saw a Scentsy booth and THAT was how I wanted to do things. I really didn’t like having to find hosts for parties, and I was much more comfortable doing the hard work of a booth and having people come to me with their addictions. So that’s how I’ve run my business, that is the foundation of it.
When I signed up, my husband and I were in dark times. Verge of divorcing, and I honestly was very near hating him. We teamed up on this Scentsy venture and it reminded us of the epic things we could do when we were together; the unstoppable force that we were if we were on the same side. It quite literally played a huge part in rescuing the shambles of our marriage.
We do it because we love it. We love creating addicts. We love putting in the hard work, we love sharing the addiction, and we love the relationships it allows us to have with people that we wouldn’t talk to otherwise. Probably including each other.
I am so very grateful for that moment I “just did it”. Everything in our lives would be completely different if I hadn’t.